Cologne South Asian Languages and Texts

About C-SALT

Cologne South Asian Languages and Texts (C-SALT) provides an overview of projects and digital resources related to South Asian languages, texts, and culture at the University of Cologne. C-SALT coordinates the activity of these projects and supports their sustainable development.

Projects and Resources

Cologne Sanskrit Lexicon

The Cologne Sanskrit Lexicon (CSL) is the largest lexical resource for Sanskrit. It provides digitized editions of 36 dictionaries and encyclopaedias.

Partners: Cologne Sanskrit Lexicon community, DCH

Contact: via GitHub or info-dch[at]uni-koeln.de

Critical Pāli Dictionary Online

Critical Pāli Dictionary Online is the online edition of the Pāli Text Society’s Critical Pāli Dictionary (CPD). The CPD is the most detailed lexical resource for the Pāli language, covering the letters A-Kā.

Partners: Pāli Text Society, CCeH, DCH

Contact: cpd-contact[at]uni-koeln.de

VedaWeb 2.0

VedaWeb is a virtual research environment for the linguistic and textual research of the Rigveda (and further texts). The Rigveda is made accessible in morphologically annotated form, with translations, and words linked to lexical entries provided by the C-SALT APIs for Sanskrit Dictionaries.

Partners: Cologne Center for eHumanitites - UzK, Digital Humanities - Bergische Universität Wuppertal , Vergleichende Sprachwissenschaft - Universität Würzburg, Sprachwissenschaftliches Seminar - Universität Freiburg, Institut für Vergleichende Sprachwissenschaft, Universität Zürich

C-SALT APIs for Dictionaries

The C-SALT APIs for dictionaries provide state-of-the-art access to some of the most important lexical resources hosted at the University of Cologne.

Kosh - APIs for Dictionaries

Kosh is a generic open-source framework for creating and maintaining APIs for XML-encoded dictionaries

C-SALT Sanskrit Dictionaries

C-SALT dictionaries conform to a common TEI (Text Encoding Initiative) schema. The schema is openly documented and developed in a public repository.


The Nuristani Archive Cologne (NurAC) collects, preserves, and presents audio data and texts from Nuristani languages, a group of related languages of the Indo-Iranian branch of Indo-European spoken mostly in eastern Afghanistan and to a lesser extent in Northern Pakistan

Partners: CCeH, DCH, Historical Comparative Linguistics

Contact: info-csalt[at]uni-koeln.de

C-SALT supporters

The C-SALT portal is a joint endeavour of the Cologne Centre for eHumanities (CCeH), the Data Center for the Humanities (DCH), the Department of South Asia and Southeast Asia Studies (Indology and Tamil studies), and the Department of Linguistics – Linguistic Information Processing, General Lingustics, and Historical Comparative Linguistics.